Protocol Value Capture And Monetization
Air Rights Sales
Air rights made available on the marketplace are offered using the Auction House engine. The owner of the air rights sets the price and length of time of the auction. Once this offer is created, it can then be bid on. The winning bid then gets the airspace. This is monetized by splitting the sale price between the owner of the air rights, which receives 90%, and the SkyTrade protocol, which receives 10% plus any transaction costs.
Air Rights Rentals
When drones rent airspace, they access our rental engine. The airspace rental follows a similar path, with the price set by the air rights owner. Rental times can span several minutes, days, weeks or months. We will recommend pricing; market forces will influence this as density increases. The owner of the air rights receives 70% of the rental fee, and SkyTrade protocol 30% plus any transaction costs.
Making Uninvited Offers For Air Rights
Traders can make offers on any air-right parcels they want without an auction being set by the owner. This encourages trade, liquidity and price discovery. For each offer, we charge a small fee. This offer is made through the offer engine, and the owner of the air rights receives this with a time limit for when they can accept the offer. When the owner wishes to transact at this offered price, they confirm the terms. The owner of the air rights receives 90%, and the SkyTrade protocol receives 10% plus any transaction costs - the air rights asset moves to the user who offered the accepted price. Should the air rights owner not proceed, they can lapse the offer.
Drone Miners - Decentralized Drone Radar
Drone miners are the backbone of this ecosystem, collecting valuable data and earning rewards for their efforts.
Commercial drones, by law, must be equipped with an emitter containing vital metadata. We've launched a drone radar application for Drone Miners that tracks drones to close the gap in our air rights and drone ecosystem. The protocol utilizes this data to cross-reference the drone's position with the location of the corresponding air rights parcel, thereby accurately charging commercial drone entities.
Drone Miners can use the app to gather valuable data and earn significant rewards. An upgraded hardware node version is currently in development and will be offered to drone miners.
Data Insights
The SkyTrade Data Insights modual is designed to help all air rights traders, real estate professionals, and low-altitude air rights users. Access takes several forms, including staking $SKY tokens and/or paying a transaction fee that flows to the protocol.
Data Insights includes access to detailed zoning data for various locations, including zoning maps, regulations, and ordinances from local governments. This data can help users identify areas with high demand for air rights.
Access to city development plans, proposals, and projects, such as urban development, infrastructure upgrades, or public transportation initiatives. This data can impact air rights demand and help users stay informed about plans to help users understand where air rights valuations will grow exponentially.
Data on existing no-fly zones can help users identify areas with restricted drone activity and potential demand for air rights.
Government announcements and industry reports about the expansion of drone delivery services and associated air rights demand. Where to mine drone data for rewards.
Air rights analytics tools to understand air rights demand, supply, and market trends, providing valuable insights for users to make informed decisions about who is trading what and why.
Last updated