Why do you use blockchain and crypto incentives for SkyTrade?
It aligns the incentives of key early contributors, investors and users of the platform. It elegantly solves the cold start problem, lowers transaction costs and opens access to a very valuable opaque market.
Is anyone doing this in Web2?
Yes, air rights are being transacted in a very manual way between real estate parties. Air rights have been sold in low-altitude airspace near airports and the air rights owners have been paid for these on a case-by-case and slow basis. Air rights transactions have not been scaled as a marketplace in Web2 or been significantly developed to increase overall airspace utility.
How do real estate owners have the right to use the air above their property?
Air rights have been vested in the property owners in the majority of States through legislation. Case law reaffirms that low-altitude air rights are owned and controlled by the landowner. The Supreme Court has confirmed that air rights are the property owners.
When will you be launching your native token?
The intention is to launch H1.25 subject to market conditions and business needs.
Are there other countries other than the US where SkyTrade could work?
Yes, air rights are the embodiment of individual property rights. Top of this list is Canada, U.K., India and Singapore. Countries that are not common law jurisdictions can also use SkyTrade as their air rights marketplace working with communities, local cities and governments.
Why doesn’t the government take low-altitude airspace?
The government does not own low-altitude airspace in the United States (500 feet and below the highest point of a building). If they wanted to own low-altitude airspace, they would need to use Eminent Domain. Under this, the government would need to transfer their wealth to the land owners who own all the air rights for market value. This would be a massive subsidy for no benefit, and it would bankrupt the government to a degree not seen before in the history of the United States. We see it as highly unlikely. If it were to occur with air rights owners having their air rights registered through SkyTrade and having increased their value through trade, it would allow them a higher level of compensation in this unlikely event.
Where do you see the value of the platform building, in the token or equity?
We have designed the platform so value flows to the token.
How do you remove liability?
We are a marketplace protocol, we do not buy, sell or hold any assets. We are connecting willing parties (peer to peer) who wish to transact.
Do you do KYC and at what point?
Yes, we offer KYC to maintain the integrity of the platform through a 3rd party. It is performed at various points depending on the user. For example, for a real estate owner who registers their air rights, to thoroughly verify ownership they are required to pass KYC.
*Not a token Offer
Last updated